Friday, July 2, 2010

Product Policy Decision

Product >> It is anything that can be affected to a market for attention, acquisition use or consuption. It includes physical objects, Services, Presentations Services places , organization and ideas.

NEW COMPETATION is not between what company produce i what facilities but between what they add their factory output

(Relevent Attatched with value added)

To satisfy the customers needs and wants with referece service NPD to compact the compatitors
Durability >> Positioning >> Reliability >> Accessories avialable in market
Types of Product Decisions

We define product decision as every conscious decision made by a company for a

product. There are many different such decisions. At one extreme there are such things
as a minor modification of the label or colour of the package. At the other extreme, there
are such things as diversification into new business fields, either through internal R&D
or mergers and acquisitions

• What are the decisions that a company should make about the product types?
• What are the decisions that a company should make about the tangible/physical product?
• What are the decisions that a company should make about the intangible/augmented product?

  • The types of product decisions that a manufacturing company has to take differ from those of a service company.
  • The product related decisions of a manufacturing company include: first, decisions about the product types to be offered, secondly, decisions about the physical/tangible product,and thirdly, decisions about the intangible/augmented product.
  • The decisions about the product types to be offered are taken on a product mix and a product line level.
  • The decisions pertaining the tangible/physical product refer to functional characteristics,quality, and style.
  • Intangible/augmented product-related decisions comprise branding, packaging and product services.
  • Product decisions are the same for manufacturing and service companies as far as the types of products/services to be offered, but they differ considerably as to the tangible and intangible service.
  • Decisions about the tangible/physical service refer to physical evidence and service quality,whereas decisions for the intangible/augmented service comprise the core and supplementary services and their delivery processes.