- Machine Languages
- Assembly Languages
- High-Level languages
As was mentioned earlier, a computer can only understand its own machine language. The machine language is the language that the
NOTE In our Human-Computer programming languages analogy if two English-speaking people speak to each other their brains will compile the code and understand it directly. If you are a machine code programmer then you will write the code that the computer will understand directly and execute the program.
Assembly Languages
Programmers found that developing even the simplest programs, using sets of numbers, was a very complicated process so they developed assembly languages. Assembly languages use keywords and symbols, much like English, to form a programming language -- I can personally say that this is much better than the huge amount of numbers used in the machine languages -- but at the same time introduces a new problem. The problem is that the computer doesn't understand the assembly code, so we need a way to convert it to machine code, which the computer does understand.
Programmers developed assemblers which are programs that convert assembly language code to machine language code. By using these assemblers programmers can write code in assembly language and convert into machine code.
High-Level Languages
Computer scientists found that
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